Beauty Shot


The barn for all your horsepower.

Sometimes your garage needs to be more than the place you park your car. Those times it’s great to know you built a Bancroft garage. First, its barn style roof is appropriate for all that horsepower. The upper half floor of this garage design has potential for storage, a workshop, a clubhouse for kids, or an office. The upper windows create personality and allow plenty of light for activities inside. Bank on a Bancroft for improving your life. Browse more Bancroft garage styles in our favourites.

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details & specs


Visit "options and accessories" for detail and pricing of our accessories.

Find below pricing for all of the Bancroft sizes that we have built so far. Don't see your size? Ask us and we will provide you with a quote.

Note that pricing below is for the base kit only. Doors, windows, and other options are à la cart so that you can customize to your hearts content.


All prices in $USD
Small Bancroft
Garages, price list
kit size pre-cut
22ft.x24ft. $86,495
24ft.x24ft. $94,595
20ft.x30ft. $98,295
22ft.x28ft. $100,595
24ft.x28ft. $110,295
26ft.x26ft. $110,795
22ft.x34ft. $122,395
24ft.x32ft. $125,895
24ft.x34ft. $133,795

Custom Designs

Summerwood will take your custom design and make it your own. If you have something different in mind, talk to one of our designers about bringing it to life.

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Our seasoned designers would love to help you find your ideal design.
We're just a phone call away.

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